Fonts style Star Wars

Star Wars typefaces

Install Star Wars style fonts and use them in compatibles applications, like Keynote, Pages and Numbers.
These fonts are not officials versions.

After install, you can manage fonts in Settings -> General -> Fonts.

Fonts installed by the app :

- AurebeshDroidRegular
- AurebeshEnglishRegular
- AurekBesh
- AurekBeshNarrow
- SfDistantGalaxy
- SfDistantGalaxyAlternate
- SfDistantGalaxyAlternateItalic
- SfDistantGalaxyAltoutline
- SfDistantGalaxyAltoutlineItalic
- SfDistantGalaxyItalic
- SfDistantGalaxyOutline
- SfDistantGalaxyOutlineItalic
- SfDistantGalaxySymbols
- SfDistantGalaxySymbolsItalic